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article to read more about leg and lower body stretching for advanced
Bottom of Foot
(plantar arch) Stretching
1) Knee on all fours with toes and balls of feet
in contact with floor.
2) Exhale and lower buttocks backward and
3) Hold for 15-60 seconds, then relax.
( This is an excellent exercise for helping
prevent plantar fasciitis. )
Top of Foot, Ankles & Anterior Lower Leg
1) Sit back on your heels with toes pointed
backward, feet shoulder-width apart.
2) Hold the top part of your toes and pull them
toward your head.
3) Hold for 15-60 seconds, then relax.
( This is an excellent stretch for helping
prevent shin splints. )
Abdomen & Hip
Flexors Stretching
1) Stand about 3 feet
away from a wall, with your back to it. Reach back overhead and
place your hands on the wall at head height.
2) Exhale and look
back as you "walk" your hands slowly down the wall. Use a partner
first few times you try this.
3) Ideally, you'll
reach the floor in the "bridge" position, arms and legs straight and
chest over hands.
4) hold the stretch
for 15-60 seconds.
5) Walk your hands
slowly back up the wall, returning to an upright position.
more about leg and lower body stretching for advanced bodybuilder ...
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