What Builds Muscle the Most

What Builds Muscle the Most

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Overloading the intended muscle group with heavy weight is one of the most important keys to effectively stimulate maximum muscle growth. Despite what many people believe, you don't necessarily need to use strict form in order to stimulate the muscle, But, if you want to build the most muscle in the shortest period of time, you do need to use the heaviest amount of weight that you can lift at the same time that you are stimulating the muscle group.

Some people refer to this training strategy as "controlled cheating." Controlled cheating is just a way to help you lift more weight. The more weight you can properly handle the better chance you have to put on muscle in a shorter period of time. We want to emphasize how important it is for you to handle the heavy weight properly during your bodybuilding workout session. If you are using too much of your body's momentum to move the weight through the repetition and you are not directly stimulating the targeted muscle group, then you are not using this bodybuilding training strategy correctly.

Simply put, controlled cheating is like giving yourself a spot. It will help you get the heavy weight through the "sticking point" and still allow you to blast the muscle group you are training at the same time.

Have you ever noticed when you are doing a set of barbell bench presses that there is a certain part of the movement that's especially difficult to press the weight through?: There's about a two-inch "sticking point" as you press the weight upward that presents the most difficult challenge. A good, attentive training partner can give you a slight spot, or just enough help, to get the bar all the way up using your own strength.

Ideally, lifting the weight without the aid of a spotter would be better, though you are still effectively stimulating the pectoral muscles even with that slight nudge. The extra poundage you are able to lift creates a tremendous value and becomes far more beneficial to your muscle building efforts than using overly strict form and the lighter weight that you'll need to settle for in order to conform to that strict movement.

Just as you would never want your training partner to lighten the weight too much when he spots you while pumping iron, you don't want to cheat too much when training either. You don't want to lighten the weight more . Do you ?

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