Bodybuilding - 10 Biggest Recuperation Mistakes

Bodybuilding - 10 Biggest Recuperation Mistakes

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7.  STRESS - Lighten Up Mentally

Stress is brought on by the mind. The brain, when stressed, causes chemical imbalances within the body that upset our ability to progress physically. How to combat stress? Crank back on the training volume when going through a stressful period. Overtraining can accelerate stress levels. Don't quit training in times of stress since physical training is a marvelous stress reliever. Intense bouts of vigorous physical activity force the brain to disengage, giving the mind a much needed respite.

8.  IMBALANCED TRAINING - Learn to Mix & Match

A well balanced bodybuilding program has four components: weight training, aerobics, diet, recuperation. You can be working within the accepted guidelines in each of the components and the sum total can still push you into the red zone of overtraining. You need to develop an intuitive body-monitoring capacity. Find your particular limit, but be on guard against laziness.

9.  VARIETY - Change Routines & Diet Regularly

Variety is the spice of life. Don't get locked into a never changing training rut. Try new things on a regular basis. Too many athletes perform comfortable, familiar routines. As a result they get comfortable, familiar results - in other words not much progress! Muscles need to be surprised and shocked for growth to be stimulated. Using the same poundage, routine and diet reduces bodybuilding to a hobby; a feel good undertaking with no real purpose. Avoid this trap. Change some aspect of your bodybuilding program regularly. Keep a log and make diligent notations. This will allow you to identify trends that lead to success as well as to dead ends.

10.  DRUGS & ALCOHOL - Avoid Them

Ironically, steroids can interfere with bodybuilding recuperation. The immune system is a delicate organism. The introduction of anabolic steroids can wreak havoc on the immune system both directly and indirectly (by increasing the likelihood of overtraining). A depressed immune system lays the athlete open to viral and bacterial infections, mild and severe. Recreational drugs like marijuana don't do your metabolism and growth potential any favors either. For optimal natural anabolic hormone production, rely on sleep, recuperation, appetite, mood, motivation, relationships with others and long-term training gains. Stay away from any and all but medically essential drugs, period.


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