Forearms muscle training should be
taken just as seriously as any other body part if you want to develop a
truly quality physique. Forearm are involved in nearly every workout for
the upper body, either by helping you grip a piece of equipment or by
being a part of all pushing and pulling actions. Forearm muscle get a
lot of incidental training even when you are not specifically doing
forearm exercises. In fact, anytime you flex the elbows or wrists you
put stress on the forearm muscles.
Good forearm muscle development is
necessary to create a championship physique but forearm strength is just
as important. Strong forearms muscle allow you to train with heavier
weights and, in exercises such as Chins and Cable Rows, in which the
hand and wrist are generally the "weak link", give you the capacity to
train hard and put more stress on other muscles group.
As with other muscles, genetic
structure is a factor in determining the potential size and strength of
the forearms muscle. The reason some forearm muscles seem to extend all
the way to the hand, with almost no tendon intervening, is that that
person has an extremely long "muscle belly" - the actual contractile
part of the muscle-tendon structure. Muscle size is affected by the
length of the muscle belly because mass is a product of volume - that
is, three dimensions rather than just one. So having two inches more
length in the forearm actually translates into a lot of extra potential
when you consider what the increase in cubic measurement can be. Many
bodybuilders constructed like this claim they do not need to do forearm
training but get adequate results with exercises like heavy barbell
curls. Even if you are genetically gifted with good forearms muscle,
this doesn't mean you don't have to train them.
It is also possible to have high
forearms - that is, to have a relatively short muscle belly and a long
tendon, limiting the cubic volume of the muscle mass. Most bodybuilders,
are somewhere in between, with neither the full forearm structure nor
impossibly high forearms. It is possible to build the forearm muscles up
to where they are proportionate to the upper arm, but you have to train
them hard to do so.
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