Incline Dumbbell Presses : To develop the middle and upper chest muscles.
You can vary the angle of the incline bench from almost flat to almost
upright; the more upright the bench, the more you work the delts.
1) Take a
dumbbell in each hand and lie back on an incline bench.
2) Clean the
dumbbells and hold them at shoulder height, palms facing forward.
3) Lift them
simultaneously straight up overhead, then lower them back to the
starting position. As a variation for incline dumbbell presses, you can
begin with palms facing each other and twist your wrists as you lift so
that the palms face forward at the top, then twist them back to the
starting position as you lower the dumbbells.
4) Vary the
angle at which you perform the incline dumbbell presses from workout to
workout, or from set to set in the same workout. If you do the latter,
begin at a steep incline and work downward toward a flatter angle or
increase the angle set to set.
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