Cheat Curls

Cheat Curls

Cheat Curls : To develop extra muscle mass and power in the biceps muscle.

1) Stand and hold the bar as for Barbell Curls, but use enough weight so that it becomes difficult to do more than just a few strict repetitions.

2) At this point, you begin to swing the weight up, using your back and shoulders to help your arms.

3) The trick is to keep your biceps muscle working as hard as they can, and cheat only enough to keep the set going.

4) Keep the elbows stationary at the waist. We like to combine Barbell Curls and Cheat Curls, doing a normal set of Curls and, when our arms muscle are too tired to do any more strict repetitions, loading on extra weight and doing some Cheat Curls to really stimulate the biceps muscle.

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