Biceps Training

Biceps Training

Hard work and proper biceps training technique will bring out the full potential of biceps muscle, but not every bodybuilder has the same degree of potential. Some bodybuilders have longer biceps muscle, some shorter; some with a higher or lower peak; some that develop enormous thickness and others that do not.

One curl movement training is not enough to work the entire biceps muscle. The biceps not only lift and curl the arm, they also rotate the wrist. Lifting with a bar produces biceps mass, but it locks the wrists and keeps them from moving. So we always include a number of dumbbell training that let us twist the wrist to the outside as we lift the weight, giving us a more complete biceps contraction. Training with dumbbells, we are able to get a better brachialis development at the elbow, and that creates a much sharper separation between the biceps and triceps muscle in a rear double-biceps pose.

Biceps length is also important. Many people do reverse curls as a forearm training, but we have noticed this training also increases the apparent biceps length. The biceps muscle should extend all the way down almost to the elbow and then swoop into a full and powerful looking curve.

We like to change our hand position as much as possible when doing curls in order to completely stimulate all the different areas of the biceps. The barbell curl locks the hand, the dumbbell curl lets you rotate the hand, the reverse curl brings the hand up in a palm down position, and lifting a dumbbell with the thumb on top, a kind of hammer curl, hits the brachialis directly and is necessary for complete biceps development. We add variety to our biceps training by using different kinds of bodybuilding equipment - the arm blaster, a straight bar, an e-z curl bar, a preacher bench, a prone bench, barbells, dumbbells, cables and machines. Again, the major mistake in biceps training is lack of a full movement. There is probably no body part in which training for a full range of motion is so important. You will restrict the range of motion if you do things like lifting your elbows up or holding them too far back and therefore not getting a wide enough arc in the biceps training.

Some bodybuilders don't want to lower the weight to full extension, with their arms locked out, because they can't lift as much weight that way. But they forget that it is this lower area of the range of motion that creates the real thickness in the lower biceps and makes the biceps muscle appear to come right out of the forearm - an important look when you do poses with your arms extended. This part of the muscle also rolls up and helps create height when you flex.

You see bodybuilders locking out their arms on curls, but then they ruin the movement by not doing a strict curling motion right from the beginning. Instead, they lift the weight up, using a little shoulders and some back, so the first few inches of the movement are wasted because the biceps are simply not involved.

Another mistake is to bring the weight all the way up and then neglect to flex and contract the biceps muscle. When the weight is up at your chin, the bones and joints are taking most of the strain. To keep the muscle working, you have to really flex it hard or it remains soft because you are not keeping it under stress. You are never going to have a full, hard and thick biceps with which to impress judges if you get lazy at the top of your biceps training.

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