Is It Worth The Risks - Phen-Fen

Is It Worth The Risk - Phen Fen

While phentermine's true nature remains the subject of discipline, little disagreement exists about the so-called better half of phen fen, fenfluramine. The medication, used in various forms including the FDA-approved Redux (dexfenfluramine), helps people lose weight by reducing their craving for carbohydrates. But it also poses significant health risks. Pulmonary hypertension, has proven fatal for several phen-fen users.

Fenfluramine can also cause memory loss as well as brain damage. It can destroy the brain cells that produce serotonin, the "feel-good" neurotransmitter that, among other things, signals your body when you've eaten enough. Amphetamines are addictive, because of their effect on dopamine. Dopamine makes us feel good. Like amphetamines, phentermine enhances levels of dopamine and another neurotransmitter, norepinephrine. Phentamine also has the potential for long-term abuse.

Is phen fen worth the risks? When people stop taking phen fen, they usually regain their lose weight rapidly. This is typical in cases of drug-induced weight loss. But even those who continued to use phen-fen experienced a return to hunger, and eventually regained their weight.

Concerned that some doctors misuse phen fen by giving it to people who aren't fat enough. People are beginning to take phen fen for far longer than the few weeks the manufacturers recommend for either drug alone. For people who are 10-25 pounds overweight, phen fen route isn't worth it. The risks will outweigh the rewards. Yet for those prone to obesity and who are 50-plus pounds overweight - and don't have any other serious medical problems - their obesity poses greater health risks than those of phen fen.

From one bodybuilding perspective, drugs that increase metabolism and cut appetite sound ideal. From another viewpoint, the phen fen route sounds like the easy way out. What happened to healthy exercise, healthy diet and character building self discipline? Fitness and bodybuilding proponents still adhere to this ideal, and many people make it work for weight control.

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