

Thalassaemia is one of the most common inherited diseases. It is a generic blood disorder whereby the blood cells are unable to carry sufficient oxygen for the body's needs.

Thalassaemic child

There are two common types of Thalassaemia traits - alpha Thalassaemia trait and beta Thalassaemia trait.

The baby with alpha Thalassaemia major will usually die within six hours of birth or is stillborn. The mother may also have other problems, like high blood pressure and post-delivery hemorrhages (bleeding). She (the mother) may even lose her life.

As for beta Thalassaemia major, the child will begin to display certain signs six to seven months after birth. The child may not be eating or playing too well and may be pale, listless and tired. He may also suffer bone deformities, particularly in the face, be unable to grow very tall, and have an enlarged liver and spleen. Untreated, a beta-Thalassaemia major child will usually die by the age of 10 years. Treatment consists of regular blood transfusion and iron chelation, or bone marrow transplant.

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