Are You Getting Enough of Calcium

Are You Getting Enough of Calcium

Consuming enough of calcium is important because it helps to prevent bones from getting weaker and "brittle" later in life. Unless you are consciously consuming enough milk (3 glasses or more) or other dairy products daily, you can never be certain that you have fulfilled your daily calcium requirement. As a matter of fact, study has pointed out that there is generally a lack of calcium intake, indicating a low intake of between 300-400mg. (1 glass of milk contains approximately 315mg of calcium. The recommended adequate daily calcium intake for adult is 1000mg)

A considerable amount of calcium ingested is not absorbed from intestine and simply leaves the body along with fasces.

Calcium is cheap and appears to be effective in preventing on-going bone loss, but poor calcium absorption is common in ageing man and women, especially those with osteoporosis, and this may limit its beneficial effects.

Tablet vs. Liquid : Which is better absorbed ?

Indeed, the human body needs to absorb and utilize the calcium that is ingested from food or supplementary sources. Chewable and liquid calcium supplements dissolve well because they are broken down before they enter the stomach, thus the calcium is more readily available when it reaches small intestine for absorption. In contrast, a hard solid tablet that does not disintegrate properly might possibly pass the absorption site of the small intestine, therefore limiting its absorption.

Osteoporosis Fact :

  • The more calcium you have in your body in the 1st 30 years, the less chances you have of developing osteoporosis in later life.

  • While osteoporosis is often presumed to be an older person's disease, it can strike at any age.

  • Out of 10 cases of osteoporosis, it is expected that 2 of the sufferers are men.

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