Digestive Problems - Gastritis

Digestive Problems - Gastritis

Digestive Problems - Gastritis is a condition characterized by inflammation of the lining of your stomach. The signs and symptoms of gastritis includes :

  • A burning sensation or pain in your upper abdomen that may become either worse or better when your eat.

  • Nausea and vomiting

  • Loss of appetite

  • Bloating or belching

  • A fullness feeling in your upper abdomen after eating

  • Weight loss

Gastritis can be divided into 2 categories :

Acute Gastritis normally occurs suddenly and combined with nausea, and burning pain or discomfort in the upper abdomen.

Chronic Gastritis develops gradually and usually will have a dull pain and a fullness feeling or loss of appetite after a few bites of food.

Gastritis can be caused by the followings :

  • Bacteria Infection - Long term bacteria infection can cause widespread inflammatory response that leads to changes in stomach lining and causes future problems
  • Regular use of pain reliever - Some pain relievers can cause stomach inflammation by reducing a substance that preserves the protective stomach lining.
  • Excessive alcohol usage - Alcohol can erode the mucous lining of stomach, making the tissue more vulnerable to normal stomach acids.
  • Stress - Severe stress can cause gastritis, ulcers and stomach bleeding.

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