

Constipation is the repeated painful or difficult passage of hard stool or having a bowel movement only once or twice a week. The common misconception of constipation is that if you are not having a bowel movement everyday, you are constipated. You colon absorbs water from food residue. The longer the food stays in your colon, it progressively loses water content. Eventually, it becomes dry and hard to pass.

Causes of constipation:

  • Lifestyle habits : A low fiber diet, lack of fluids and lack of physical activity may lead to constipation.
  • Age : With age, the muscles in your digestive tract may become less active.
  • Medication : Constipation maybe a side effect of various drugs.
  • Excessive Laxative Usage : Overuse of laxatives and repeatedly ignoring the urge to have a bowel movement may result in constipation.

What to do if you have constipation (constipated) ?

  • Drink plenty of fluids : Liquid helps keep your stool soft.
  • Eat more fiber : Fiber helps bulk up and soften stool so that it passes through the digestive tract. Beans, fruits, vegetables, cereal and whole wheat products are good for you. But for certain people, it may help to add these to your diet slowly.
  • Eat regular meals and exercise : This promotes normal bowel function and exercise stimulate intestinal muscles, which speeds up the passage of food through your digestive tract.
  • Don't delay nature's call : The longer you delay nature's call, the harder and drier your stool will become.
  • Supplements : Some natural type of fiber like psyllium husk can be good.

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