Benefits of Pycnogenol

Benefits of Pycnogenol

How can the bark of a pine tree help to improve your health ?

The French Maritime Pine Tree (pinus maritima) is no ordinary pine tree. The extract of its bark is loaded with beneficial antioxidant nutrients including bioflavonoids, which are also found in many fresh fruits and vegetables. This unique bark extracts forms Pycnogenol, a pure natural supplement.

These miraculous tree grow exclusively in a large forest in south-western France, free of artificial fertilizers and pesticides. The potent blend of antioxidant compounds is extracted to pharmaceutical standards. It is guaranteed pure and consistent, and unlike many other natural products, Pycnogenol has been extensively researched for more than 30 years!

Free Radicals - why fight them ?

Our bodies generate free radicals every day. These chemically unstable particles cause damage to our body cells by oxidizing them, in the same way an apple turns brown when exposed to the air or when iron rusts when exposed to moisture. Free radicals are dangerous and scientists believe that exposing the body to damaging oxidation is the major cause of ageing and many degenerative diseases. As an antioxidant, Pycnogenol quenches free radicals in the body.

The benefits of Pycnogenol extend well beyond fighting free radicals. Many research studies have shown that it helps to maintain healthy overall circulation and keeps the heart and blood vessels fit. Clinical research with Pycnogenol has been extensive and continues to show results in new areas in which Pycnogenol may be effective.

Just about anyone can benefit in one way or another from Pycnogenol supplementation. Boosting our defences against free radicals and the additional benefit of better circulation will help the whole family to maintain good health.

Here are some of the benefits that scientists have identified for Pycnogenol:

1) Antioxidant Defence

Pycnogenol is one of the most powerful natural antioxidants. Used every day as a food supplement, it fights harmful free radicals in our bodies and this defends us against the damage caused by oxidation. This damage if left unchecked can result in degenerative and age-related illness.

2) Improved Circulation

Pycnogenol has many proven benefits for human blood circulation. It contributes to an overall better supply of nutrients and oxygen and helps to protect veins and capillaries. Clinical research has also shown promising results in the field of heart research.

3) Skincare

Pycnogenol binds to collagen in the skin to maintain skin elasticity, a characteristic associated with youth that keeps the skin firm and prevents wrinkles. In addition, Pycnogenol has been proven to help protect the skin against sunburn, thus preventing the ageing effects of the sun to some extent.

Pycnogenol is also becoming a popular ingredient in many of today's science-based face and body creams and lotions for skincare.

4) The Antioxidant Network

Pycnogenol works alongside other natural antioxidants in our bodies to strengthen our defenses against free radicals. It works by 'recycling' and regenerating vitamins C and E - essential vitamins usually provided by our diet - to extend their individual antioxidant activity.

5) Enhanced Athletic Performance

Ironically, strenuous exercise, although beneficial in many ways, actually produces a large number of damaging free radicals in our bodies. It has been proven scientifically that Pycnogenol improves endurance during exercise by up to 21%, probably by counteracting free radical production.

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