Chi Kung

Chi Kung

Chi kung is one the best anti-aging oriental techniques we have come across. Chi Kung is an ancient system of movement, breathing exercises and meditation to heal body and mind. This method has been used for 4000 years. It was, and still is, a favorite exercises for Taoists, those experts on longevity.

Chi means 'energy', while kung means 'art'. Chi Kung practitioners claim that, if practiced regularly, it:

  • increases blood flow to the brain and to the skin

  • lowers high blood pressure

  • helps maintain a good sense of balance

  • strengthens the bones

  • supercharges the sex hormones

  • restrains the biological effects of the aging process

Scientific studies have shown that while normal people breathe on average 12-16 times a minutes, chi kung practitioners breathe less often than that, sometimes just five times a minute. This is a sign that their metabolism is balanced and slowed, reducing the effects of free radicals to a minimum.

Chi kung should be practiced following certain rules. You need to practice regularly, when you are relaxed, and not before or after a heavy meal. Practice outside in the fresh air if possible, preferable away from pollution, in a large park, in the countryside or by the seaside. The best time for practicing is at sunrise and at midnight, but morning or evening times are still acceptable.

Practice meditation, breathe correctly and relax during the exercise. The exercises are not just physical but are mental and spiritual at the same time, so you are able to kill three birds with one stone.

Chi kung, like tai chi should be performed not only with the body but also with the mind focused on the procedure.

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